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Kate's Master Recital HD 1080p_Moment(4)


Hi, I'm Kate!
I'm a teaching artist based in New York City. My goal is to bring beauty and truth into the world in the small ways I can. I sing, act, and play the piano, seeking to grow each day, while helping my students realize their fullest potential.
Although I didn't always know that music would become the focus of my life’s work, I've been making music as long as I can remember. My first grade school teacher gave me the nickname, "hummingbird," because I was incessantly (and inadvertently) humming and singing in class. Neither of my parents are musicians, and so it was a surprise to them when at age eight I asked for a piano. I started taking lessons then, performed in my first musical shortly after, and have been making music ever since.
My journey as a singer has not been an easy one, and in the hopes of encouraging other singers who are struggling, I've written about some of my past challenges here

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